Inspiring Creativity, Literary Expression, Building Connections

Artists and writers open calls

opportunities, art open calls, competitions, a chance for everyone to show their work, writers and artists are invited to apply.

CALLING Artists & Writers.

open calls, questionnaires, research projects & residency opportunities

We look forward to seeing what work you propose for our opportunities, which are open to anyone, and everyone who wishes to enter, the only restriction is your imagination!!!


Open call for artists, writers, and creators


This open call is for any artist who is at an early stage of their art career.  This is not age-restricted, as long as you meet the criteria below.

If you are doing an art degree, an MA / MLitt, or are in the first three years of your art practice and would like to have 3 x one-hour sessions 1:1, one a month for three months (via Zoom or Teams) to bounce ideas, ask advice, gain practical steps and support from the Haus-a-rest team then apply here.

Please note there is no funding for this opportunity, it is your chance to be mentored by our artists who have been around the block to offer support and suggestions to help support your art journey. It is also a place to gain connections and grow your network.

There is two place available. Please complete the form below and we will be intouch soon…..

Or submit via CuratorSpace:


Open call for Artists & writers

all artworks by artist Nichola Rodgers -

Haus A Rest invites artists and writers to submit work for our upcoming exhibition and publication on the theme "Ephemeral Art."

This theme celebrates the beauty of the temporary, the fleeting, and the impermanent

From art made with natural elements to performances that vanish in the moment, to writing that captures transient emotions—"Ephemeral Art" explores creations that exist only briefly but leave lasting impressions.

Ephemeral art is a form of artistic expression intended to be short-lived and transient. The term "ephemeral" refers to something transitory or short-lived. Ephemeral art is meant to be experienced in the moment and exists only in memory once it has passed. 

Here are some characteristics of ephemeral art:

  • Intended to disappear: Ephemeral art is created to disappear, deteriorate, decompose, or self-destruct. 

  • Site-specific: Ephemeral art is often created for a specific location. 

  • No lasting object: Ephemeral art is usually a one-time occurrence and cannot be preserved as a lasting object in a museum or gallery. Unless it has been recorded on a separate medium.

  • Powerful message: Ephemeral art can convey a powerful message about the impermanence of the world. 

  • Symbolism and significance: Ephemeral art can access layers of symbolism and significance. 

The term "ephemeral art" became prominent in the 1960s with the Fluxus group. Artists like Joseph Beuys were interested in creating art that existed outside of the traditional gallery and museum structure. 

What We’re Looking For

"Ephemeral Art" can be interpreted in countless ways:

  • Visual art using perishable or transient materials

  • Writing that captures fleeting thoughts, emotions, or moments

  • Art or writing about the passage of time, memory, or impermanence

  • Multimedia or performance pieces that are time-bound or event-based, emphasizing the art of the moment

Whether it’s physical, digital, or conceptual, we want works that highlight the fragile, beautiful nature of impermanence.

Submission Guidelines:

We welcome submissions across various media:

  • Visual Art: Photography, sculpture, installations, natural or perishable materials, and temporary public art.

  • Writing: Poetry, prose, and essays that explore ephemeral themes.

  • Multimedia/Other: Short videos, performance documentation, and digital art that emphasizes the temporary.

Submission Requirements:

  • Visual Art: Submit up to 3 images (jpeg ), with titles, dimensions, and a short description of each piece (max 150 words).

  • Writing: Submit up to 3 pieces in .docx or .pdf format (max 1,000 words each) with a short explanation on how the piece embodies the ephemeral. Can include images


 Artist/Writers BIO (150 words) and a maximum(200 words) discussing your connection to the theme.

Deadline for Submission: 4th Feb 2025

  Your work will not be accepted if you do not provide the requested items. If accepted your work will be featured in the Zine, Instagram, and FB for at least one month, and very likely for several. We do not guarantee to keep your work listed after the issue has ended.

Please note:

* We love to see short films. We accept Vimeo and YouTube only. Please make sure they are set to public.

* Please only submit work that is your own and meets the theme.

Submissions can be sent via

the link here

feel free to get in touch via the form below with your ideas & Questions …

 Good Luck! 🍀

from the editors

Follow us on:


We are always looking for good quality, pieces of writing, be that story,

critique, poem, prose, spoken word, music, or other written work.

*** Haus-a-rest upcoming themes***

February 2025 - Issue 57 - Ephemeral Art

March 2025 - Issue 58 - Light and Shade

April 2025 - Issue 59 - The ART Student Issue

May 2025 - Issue 60 - The Textile Issue

June 2025 - Issue 61 - Continuing Conversations

Follow our social media for more updates and open calls… @haus_a_rest

Enter your ideas on one of our social media platforms and use the #HAR and if your idea is selected you will be our featured artist.
